The frontline of The Sutcliffes have history
Terry Marshall, Chuck Simms, and Shaun Wilson put the original band together in 2007. Throughout their run, the band proved to be a top draw, including four headlining appearances on the mainstages of Liverpool’s International Beatle Week as well as the world-famous Cavern Club. After several years’ hiatus, a reinvigorated Sutcliffes return, featuring Pedro Arbour on drums and Arman Tesoro on keyboards.
As a live act, the band still offers the energetic stage show they are renowned for as they cover a varied catalogue of songs that fill the dancefloor. With the addition of theatre shows The Sutcliffes present an ambitious thematic multimedia staging of The Beatles legendary canon. Both attest to the considerable talents of five remarkable musicians.
Red and Blue: Beatles Anthology 1962-1970
The Sutcliffes have created a new theatre show for 2024. This production celebrates the most famous ‘best of’ records in popular music. The Beatles changed rock history with the release of this career defining greatest hits collection fifty years ago. Universally known as the Red and Blue albums, the four-record anthology was the introduction to The Beatles’ music for subsequent generations. From the first single (Love Me Do) to the last (Let It Be) these albums traced the evolution of The Beatles as the most successful artists of the century. The Sutcliffes will cover every phase of The Beatles and perform their hits from the ‘Moptop’ era to the psychedelic masterpieces and beyond in this exciting new multi-media presentation.
Upcoming Shows
Teechamitsa Theatre at Royal Bay Secondary School - Musical History Tour- The Beatles Legacy
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Book The Sutcliffes for your next event, or just say hello, Jojo 👋